SUNDAY 27.10.2024.


City Hall

“Fa-mi-ly on the Adriatic”

Music of our composers for two pianos:

Milan Mihajlović and Isidora Žebeljan

Lidija and Sanja Bizjak, piano duo

guests: Maja Bogdanović, Daniel Rowland 

As in previous years, Somus devotes space to our contemporary music. Instead of a cycle dedicated to one of them, Lidija and Sanja Bizjak decided to present two of our most important creators with two world premieres for two pianos. For the first time at Somus, we will host Milan Mihajlović, one of our most performed composers and a longtime professor at the FMU in Belgrade. Along with the premiere of his work "Fa-mi (ly)" in transcription for two pianos, his most famous works will be performed in arrangements specially made for our Somus! On the other hand, we return to Isidora Žebeljan, to whom Somus has already dedicated an all-night concert. This time with a special occasion: Lidija and Sanja will perform the premiere of the version for two pianos of one of her most performed compositions, an illumination for the orchestra "Horses of Saint Mark". Isidora started that transcription, and her then student Marko Kovač finished it. Along with this important historical moment for Somus, the Sombor audience will be able to hear some of Isidora's most popular works for strings and piano.


Sunday 27.10. 11h


Monday 28.10. 11h - Matinee for children 20h - Festival closing